Dual Gang air variable 15 3/4" long 1/2" spacing between fixed plates,5 1/4" wide 4 3/4" tall 1/4" shaft with coupler. reads Johnson 89000? 1250? 
Various Meters...DC milliamperes 0-75 westinghouse,Percent Modulation 0-30 Daven Weston, Model H52 by marion elec 3 scales 0-250 0-500 0-1000 F.S.=1 MA, Antenna current 0-1.5 amperes R.F. weston,the small square one 0-100 RTG 1-120MA,last one 0-6 westinghouse nothing else on it 
This nice piece has a nice ceramic coil, bandswitch and a tuning mechanism. It was procured from a military HF tuner 
This piece also came from the same tuner bandswitch,ceramic coil and tuning mechanism 
Nice large ceramic core to wind your tank coil on 
3 nice ceramic coils 2 are 75 meters 1 is 40 meters 
5 Different ceramic coils 
This air variable is 4 3/4"long 3 1/4" tall 2 5/8" with fin exposed. 1/8" spacing between fixed plates. has this on the side m 81049,59,6287 ?? plates in good shape no acrcing 
Vacuum Fixed can't read value. Tip to tip 3 1/2" long 
Air Variable Johnson 1/8" spacing between fixed fins. 2 gang. 8" long not includung shaft. 2" high, 2" wide. Has shaft coupler 
Air Variable Johnson 1/8" spacing between fixed fins. 2 gang. 8" long not includung shaft. 2" high, 2" wide 
different air variables,some with flexable shafts 
3 assorted air variables 
An assorment of roller coils maybe you can put them to good use 
Here is some coil stock and a couple of plug in coils 
An assortment of relays and 1 air variable. One of the relays is a dow relay 115vac 
suface mount Johnson ceramic sockets with tube holders 4 pin for 811 and 866. 2 Johnson 210 ceramic sockets 4 pin for the 811 and 866 
4- 4-250A tubes with sockets was told checked out ok. But i have no way personally to check them since i have no amp set up right now to test them in. 
2 Nice big insulated tube sockets currently housing 8 pin sockets they are deep and have a small metal housing underneath around the wire lugs for the sockets. You could change out these sockets in the base and put something else.Has a number on the bottom 33B91-C 
Here is a nice collection of Ceramic wafer band switches. all are different but heavy duty. 31 total some double wafer and a nice big 6 wafer. Need to repair your Arced band switch with these you'd never run short 
36 total Band switches all types all nice and heavy duty. Some double,triple and more wafers 
This is an extremly nice Bud cabinet with lid and handels.
19" rack mount desk top amplifier case It is heavy. 
Here are a few transformers...modulation types.They are rated in MW and ohms.Maybe you have a project in mind for these? I also have some tranformers that i have not taken pictures of both plate and filiament. I have a really nice BIG transformer. GE model 81g45 rated 1.1KVA. 115v in 4620kv@750miliamps center tap. so that would be about 2310v x 2 @ 350 miliamps this baby will pull 2 seperate power supplies @ 2.5kv. Will pull like 2 4-400A or 2 4-800. weighs about 65 or 70 lbs really nice. OTHER ITEMS FOR SALE OR TRADE....... I HAVE PICS OF ALL ITEMS LISTED BELOW..EMAIL ME AND I WILL GLADY SEND YOU PICS OF ANY ITEM LISTED BELOW. All these items are used, and to be considered as so. Some of the items i have no way to test them. Everything is in good shape and very useable. ALL ITEMS PRICES ARE NEGOTIABLE AND WILLING TO TRADE, I HAVE A WANT LIST I WILL BE POSTING IN NEXT FEW DAYS...Email me with your offers on all items listed on this page.More item will be posted so check back by often and take a look at some of the other Items i have for sale on the pages listed below.